Caroline's Song of The Day

Sick Puppies – You're going down

I heard that song for the first time in my host-dads' car, a huge Toyota Pick-Up truck.
He is a really cool guy and is working in the gun business.
The song really fits into that lifestyle and it always reminds me of him.

When I told him that I really like that song, he told me that Stefanie, his wife and my host-mum, loves the song too. A few month ago she had a lot of trouble with her boss.

She wasn't really feeling
comfortable at work anymore. Her boss finally quit and she “won the battle”.

Exactly this is the message of the song “You're going down”. It's about two parties having a fight with each other but only one party can win this battle.
The song tells you that even if you can't see any hope in the beginning but within minutes, days, weeks, month or years, everything can change and it's possible that in the end, the loser turns out to be the winner.
You just have the strength not to give up and keep fighting for your opinion, your goals and everything that you're trying to reach for.
Have the faith and believe in yourself, believe that you're stronger than your enemy.

Have fun and listen :)